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At NeoCarbon, we believe that staying informed is key to staying ahead. That is why we provide you with more than just outstanding technology solutions. Explore our insights and whitepaper for in-depth background knowledge, empowering you to make informed decisions. Stay up-to-date with NeoCarbon's news and event announcements, and the latest developments in carbon capture.

NeoCarbon and Carbonaide partner to enable captured carbon to be stored in concrete

NeoCarbon, a leading developer of Direct AirCapture (DAC) technology, and Carbonaide, a pioneer in carbonisation technology for the production of precast concrete ...

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NeoCarbon opens new chemistry lab for the development of high-quality carbon capture sorbents

NeoCarbon, a leading German carbon capture startup, has announced the opening of a new chemical laboratory at their factory in Berlin to push the boundaries of CO2 removal technologies, making them more efficient, scalable, and affordable...

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First supermarket to install carbon capture technology by Berlin Start-up

Greenman and NeoCarbon cooperate on decarbonizing food retailers ...

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Cement plants could make considerable profit from selling waste heat for direct air capture

A German direct air capture startup is offering cement plants the opportunity to make extra revenue from their waste heat, which it can be use to improve the efficiency of its CO2 capture process and generate crbn removal credits.

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Berliner Start-up macht Supermärkte zu CO2-Staubsaugern

Weltweit suchen Unternehmen preiswerte Wege, das Klimagas Kohlendioxid aus der Luft zu filtern. Gründer haben jetzt eine Technik entwickelt, die dazu bestehende Infrastruktur nutzt – bald auch mitten in Berlin.

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Supermarkt Gebäude

Carbon-negative cement factory. Get the revolutionary whitepaper for free.

To reshape the public image of the cement sector, from being a heavy polluter to pioneer of innovative sustainability practices, and ensure cement business's viability, we propose establishing Germany's first carbon-negative factory, employing a blend of point source capture and direct air capture (DAC) technologies. Therefore, we have produced a paper that outlines the challenges faced by cement manufacturers and how a combination of point source capture and DAC can alleviate them.

Berliner Carbon Capture Start-up NeoCarbon sichert sich Pro FIT Fördermittel der IBB

Das Berliner Carbon Capture Start-up NeoCarbon erhält Fördermittel der Investitionsbank Berlin, kofinanziert durch EU-Mittel (EFRE) in Millionenhöhe.

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CO2-Entnahme-technologien müssen in den Emissionshandel

Ohne die Entnahme von CO2 aus der Luft sind Klimaziele für viele Industrien nicht zu erreichen, argumentiert René Haas. Aber damit das noch sehr teure Verfahren wirtschaftlich werden kann, muss der Handel mit CO2-Entnahme-Zertifikaten durch Regulierung etabliert werden, fordert der Gründer des Direct-Air-Capture-Start-ups NeoCarbon.

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Zementindustrie: kurzfristig aus der CO2 Falle

Die Bekanntgabe der Carbon Management Strategie der EU-Kommission verdeutlicht die Bedeutung von Carbon Capture-Methoden wie Direct Air Capture für das Ziel Net-Zero. Insbesondere für emissionsintensive Industrien, wie die Zementindustrie, ist das relevant.

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